Stakeholder Capitalism Episode 1 (40 mins)

I fully agree to all what you wrote. After 15 years of a lot of research I came to exactly the same conclusions what your perfectly expressed in your comment. Thanks a lot. It’s a kind of an act of art what you achieved, to express in with such few sentences. Love it. Hope we can speak to each other in a zoom call if you like ?!


It’s not a trap. I agree that one part of the financial mafia is trying to trap them with the spot etf-approach, but it will not work out as with the gold-etfs, because they can’t cheat as they do with a lot of other ETFs.
Also the bitcoiners like me are doing a great work in their communities to raise the awareness to not put their money into the ETFs but to buy the bitcoin and put them into their own self-custodial wallets.


Without the local council level infiltration then any attempt to create a local currency will be destroyed.

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Have you seen petition for a general election.
1M+ votes in first 24 hours.


Unfortunately it doesn’t mean a lot though. It will just create some mainstream and social media attention for a few weeks then fizzle out.


I hope you get to eat those words :smiley:


Brilliant documentary, but to be honest knew a lot about it as Ive been down the research rabbit hole as it were, for the past decade. However I know a lot of people out there, haven’t really got a clue about whats really going on.
When I went on X (Twitter) yesterday, there was a petition to call a general election. I only have 1200 followers, but I spent hours pushing that petition, I know it wont do anything, but I added your forum and video to each of my tweets. I made nearly 10000 impressions according to X, so hopefully a lot of those will watch at home with their families. Thank you for doing this, it makes it so easy to digest. May the Lord look favourably upon you. Thank you!


Maybe that is a good way to use this petition Cris.

Once people understand that petitions are just part of the smoke and mirrors that give the illusion of democracy and that there are far greater forces at work who actually have the control, then we might start making progress.


Agreed—they keep trying, but they’ve never succeeded yet. However, with each attack on humanity, their actions become more widespread and cause greater damage.

The majority, unfortunately, choose to remain in a state of arrested development, experiencing their ‘eureka moments’ far too late—after ignoring established historical facts and the experiences of others. This arrested development is a classic characteristic we see everywhere: a narcissistic discovery of something obvious that many have been shouting about for ages.

And so, the hamster wheel keeps turning. It never slows down, as those who run it keep pulling others in, distracting them from evolving toward the truth. Yesterday’s news becomes an endless ‘discovery’ for those who position themselves as leaders, and sadly, the majority continues to follow.

This cycle of distraction and delayed realization ensures that progress toward genuine understanding remains perpetually out of reach, while those in control thrive on the confusion and compliance they create.


Closing in fast on 2M in 48 hours? Getting some traction on YT. Never underestimate a black swan since we have no idea where, what or where they come from. People may not be aware of all the causes but are certainly aware of effects and this just shows if nothing else the dissatisfaction amongst the general public.


Agreed. Very true.

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I can’t vote because I’m a german citizen. As I said, we can vote each day for another money system by start using it. It’s the most effective weapon we freedom-fighters have. :slight_smile:


I so resonate with this - thank you


Oh, that something would come of it. I have signed but I’m well aware that dictators do not listen to the people they control.


I just read MiriAF’s analysis of the petition and unfortunately, I think she might be right. Political puppet ping-pong - by Miri AF

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This is one of the most apposite videos I’ve watched for what is happening and how Stakeholder Capitalism is projected to enslave us all by 2030. The success of the Chinese communism model has given Klaus Schwab, and other globalists, the impetus to push forward with their enslavement policies for us, and for themselves a measure of freedom depending on how high up the Young Global Leaders’ pyramid they are.

Nobody at the top is going to save us. Trump - if he gets sworn in - will not. Elon Musk is one of them. Whatever he says he is not on our side. It is his satellites which give the coordinates to geolocate us through satellite navigation systems, mobile phones and other electronic devices. His purpose in purporting to be against the other globalists, to my mind, is so that they own both sides of the debate - like Republicans and Democrats, Labour and Conservative. They purport to be different, but I think we know the truth.

Vladimir Putin will not save us. Although he no longer participates at Davos he participates in the eastern countries equivalent to the the World Economic Forum called the Vostochny Economichesky Forum, Eastern Economic Forum. There are many Chinese delegates to this.

We are not doomed though. As the video informs we must keep pushing back, telling others, sharing Stakeholder Capitalism Episode 1 and all forthcoming episodes to which I am really looking forward. Thank you Richard Jeffs.


I’m with you on this one Paul

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Sorry I don’t do any socials to look. I only do Discord with a great bunch of awake people.

That is what i like about this site, you start from a place that is much further down the rabbit hole than social media.