The Stakeholders are striping us of our right to own farms. We will be creating more awareness and a campaign to support farmers soon.
The Stakeholders are striping us of our right to own farms. We will be creating more awareness and a campaign to support farmers soon.
Laugh at your own expense but i will tell you something that nobody in the world knows and i can only tell you that your time is running out and im the only one alive that can help save millions but sadly not everyone. We are running out of time im 62 i fled the uk in 2017 they tried to silence me they tried to kill me because i know too much , all social media platforms you tube / Google have demonised me criminalised and threatened that if i mention a certain doctors name again then i will be locked up , i fled the uk to MĂ©xico now its time to speak out and risk losing my life please contact me if youre interested in doing an interview.
Wow, that’s pretty heavy. I really hope you get the platform you need to reveal this info. I certainly am interested in learning more about it.
Well its not for trying but for some reason nobody takes me up on my offer ? Im begining to think none of these platforms are safe . I need to get away from here before im killed and all i know will die with me i need about 800 to get myself to a safer place so maybe anyone reading this could please help me by donating to my PayPal account thats ymail not Gmail theyve stopped my you tube channel so i cant ask for help there .
Heavy story indeed. I’m sure the web is being scraped by AI for all manner of things, including tracking people of interest to various governments and agencies, particularly the five eyes nations.
Get a VPN and make a Rumble account as a platform for your story. It has a few questionable ties but much less censored than YT.
Maybe its just me but when I see stories like this then followed by a request for money I get suspicious.
Not just you.
Bold claim, zero evidence.
Couldn’t agree more. He’s also told the authorities where he’s hiding and the 800 nicker he asks for won’t get him very far, either.
It’s called Psy-Op ;-).
He’s either a scam artist or undercover. Based on his limited use of English grammar I suspect that he’s just a scam artist.
This is exactly why i dont bother with any of these so called freedom of speech platforms youre all lemmings with tunnel vision im not a fraud im someone who has been silenced and i see all these negative comments and say to myself that this platform is also penetrated by those in control and probably most of you are either planted here to create diversions or distractions ! I could have asked for thousands but i didnt because all i want is to get away from where i am as i know im being watched theres no scam and i didnt say where i am i post with the knowledge im being shaddowed. I served in the Raf from 1980 and my job was to go where the royal family go i am not a scammer and if theres any errors in my grammer its because im a very sick man with chronic lyme desease so my brain doesnt work as it should . I wont waste my time with this platform its as corrupted as most others theres no safe platforms . Hope you all have a happy Christmas because i wont . Goodbye
“Striping”? Did you mean Stripping or is “striping” a British word?
They know they’ve got us beaten if they can take over the food supply. The problem is that they’ve been working to undermine the power farmers hold for years. Things like farm subsidies and grant aid to modernise and improve productivity, when combined with the requirement to adhere to environmental regulations in order to qualify for the full amount of subsidy or aid without penalties are a trap, basically a social credit score system in action here in E.U. and the U.K. This along with low incomes and the heavy debt burden bourne by many farmers, are contrived to force farmers off the land, not to mention the latest attack in the form of the inheritance tax reforms in the U.K.
So how can we beat this?
Supporting farmers by buying even a small amount of your food shopping directly from farmers, if that option is available to you, and making sure to pay in cash would be a good start.
Also many supermarkets carry ranges of products made by small producers, choosing these products over big brand or own brand products will also help. Above all consumers must start to read labels and educate themselves on what is in their food, where it is produced and who the producers are.
Yes, Grant, I told some US friends of this, and most think it is a joke. I’m so frustrated trying to tell folk what’s really going on, even family members who are so mind-controlled. I never buy meat from the supermarket anymore as so much comes from China (chicken) and all food in US is contaminated with either GMOs or vaccines/pesticides/toxins. The war on clean meat is here.