There’s a huge opportunity here to raise awareness of B Corps, and work to exert financial pressure on them.
For the uninitiated, B Corps are are members of B Lab. Membership requires them to alter the legal basis of their business to reflect “mission-aligned legal language” — which means, of course, the usual tenets of stakeholder capitalism.
The fact this movement legally obliges member companies to serve the “mission” of an external, WEF-linked organisation makes it especially dangerous.
Fat Face
Clothes retailers openly pronounce their membership of B Lab in their shops.[quote=“Droste, post:1, topic:4043, full:true”]
There’s a huge opportunity here to raise awareness of B Corps, and work to exert financial pressure on them.
For the uninitiated, B Corps are are members of B Lab. Membership requires them to alter the legal basis of their business to reflect “mission-aligned legal language” — which means, of course, the usual tenets of stakeholder capitalism.
The fact this movement legally obliges member companies to serve the “mission” of an external, WEF-linked organisation makes it especially dangerous.
Indeed. Beware the B-Corps organisations! Ben Rubin / UK Column has covered B Corps in some detail (example here UK Column News - 28th July 2023 | UKColumn). I made the error of leaving BT only for my new provider, Zen Internet, to join B Corps too. Once my contract with Zen ends this year, I’ll be changing my ISP to Freeola, which (at the time of writing) is NOT a B Corps member. You can boycott B Corps organisations by checking the B Corps members directory here:
I’m aware B Corps are open about their membership. My concern is most people don’t know what they are, or at best believe it’s an innocuous commitment to ESG and social justice causes.
I certainly don’t think many people are aware that B Corps alter their articles of association to align with B Lab’s sociopolitical objectives, nor the significance of such an action. I wonder if even some of the small businesses who sign up fully grasp the power they are giving away.
Thanks for the link. Yes, it’s an annoying game of whack-a-mole as I discover more and more of my suppliers have signed up with B Lab. Do you make these companies aware of why you’re ending your relationship with them?
I’m aware of the directory. I want Yellow to subvert it. My guess is that, as with stakeholder capitalism more broadly, the general public are not yet sufficiently aware of B Lab to go and look them up. There is an opportunity for Yellow to actively promote them and, since B Corps so helpfully identify themselves, encourage direct action.
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