Yellow.Forum is a solution-based platform. While we are pro free-speech, please ensure any posts or comments that you make are to the benefit of the entire community and our mission.
The content we post is factual, and its source is clearly referenced. Can you please do the same. Yellow.Forum is a resource for everything related to our transition to Stakeholder Capitalism, so please keep topics relevant. We have a Community section that designed for more casual engagement, allowing members to connect and freely converse.
While many people disagree with them, we need to abide to the law set out in the new digital safety acts, which carries a penalty of incarceration to company owners that allow hate speech and misinformation on their platforms.
To increase the success of our organisation and movement, we must ensure that we keep within the law – while erring on the side of caution (due to increasingly more blurred boundaries). There are powerful people who would prefer we did not exist, so it’s imperative that you act in accordance with our guidelines.
Any posts that breach the guidelines will be removed. Your account may also be removed for repeatedly or intentionally breeching our guidelines.
Our content is designed for everyone; we welcome anyone who was not aware of the significant rise in global authority to view our work and engage with us. We want to create a friendly space for everyone to question, learn and take action.
Please help us manage Yellow.Forum by flagging content that breaches these guidelines.
Please refrain from:
– Expressing angry or hateful feelings
– More to come