ESG - How can it be?
Endless narratives flow through the media, promoting net zero
Sections of society unveiled as oppressed, but by a villain not a hero
Greedy stakeholders dictating levels of investment, being utterly intrusive
ESG is undemocratic and unconstitutionally abusive
Environmental delusion has started to sweep through the land
Steering indoctrination for groups to feel oppressed and make a stand
Gross over reach of unelected people attempting to control companies
ESG - one of the vehicles for control, who on earth would support these
Every sustainable rhetoric has a cunning plan that it sits behind
Shadowy characters watch the divisions begin, whilst thinking that we are all blind
Galvanising fear is a tactic that attempts to force companies to behave
ESG - the supporting tactic to control and to enslave
Every time you hear the word “sustainability” remember what they’re trying to do
Start to recognise “inclusive” as a red flag and don’t believe it to be true
Get ready to say no, reverse this mandated corporate “governance” metric
ESG - to acquiesce is to send your business to the chair that is electric
End the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism and we end ESG
Stop their thirst for dividing the people and allow us all to live together free
Go to Yellow.Forum and it will show you what you need to see
ESG - How can it be?
Leigh Barrenger