Richard Jeffs' Introduction and Career

My name is Richard Jeffs. I’m an investigative filmmaker, CEO of tech start-up Yeelo, founder of Yellow.Forum and a former ITV producer and freelance director-of-photography.

At 21, I graduated Ravensbourne TV School and was employed as a staff lighting camera person to launch Chelsea TV (Chelsea Football Club’s TV Channel on Sky). By 24, I had moved to ITV Factual, where I became a shooting producer director.

I later worked freelance as a director-of-photography on several flagship current-affairs series, such as BBC Panorama.

Upon leaving the media industry, I began working in the corporate tech industry, and I am now the founder of an innovate freelancer management ecosystem, called Yeelo.

Prior to the pandemic, I often thought about what happens when AI takes our jobs; I forecast a significant wealth shift, as well as a change to our socioeconomic system being required.

Then the pandemic happened! When I saw several WEF blogs explaining that ‘we need a great reset of capitalism’ and powerful WEF members parroting “The Great Reset” in 2020, I decided to investigate the WEF were up to. This set the premise for The New Normal, an independent 2020 documentary that I produced. This was the first film to investigate The Great Reset and Schwab’s work on the Fourth industrial Revolution.

Over the following couple of years, I continued to research the WEF’s agendas, and I finally understood Klaus Schwab’s full plan in the summer of 2022. In December 2022, I decided to put the launch of Yeelo on hold for two months why I began making Stakeholder Capitalism. I have since worked long seven-day weeks without a budget or income for over two years making this series. While this has been the toughest experience of my life, I’m proud to have produced a film that irrefutably proves that we are being transitioned undemocratically and discretely to a global authoritarian political system and our governments leaders are committing treason.

Watch Stakeholder Capitalism – Ep 1 (Our New Political System).

I designed Yellow.Forum to provide a decentralised platform to host the series, fund ongoing investigations and drive initiatives to #StopStakeholderCapitalism.

Thank you for your support, and I’m glad you can join us to shape The Great Revolution.