Hi, thank you for signing your support is a vital step forward, regardless that we all know about “Charlie” and his role. You’re right about his conection with the WEF, but it’s also crucial to recognize that, under our current system, the real “king” with legal power in all decision making is Starmer.
There’s a significant distinction between royalty as a figurehead and the monarchy as a system. Common law, which is inherently tied to the monarchy, remains one of the biggest obstacles for globalists. Preserving it is essential, as it safeguards many of our freedoms and traditions. This declaration is just one of the strategic steps we can take to continue to protect that foundation.
What we truly need is to understand the structure of the system, because the majority of people have no real grasp of the official political framework in their own country. Learning history is essential, as it shows us how the same globalist attacks have been dismantled and defeated before.
You are absolutely right about the current politicians and how the lack of voting essentially helps to keep them in power. This is a critical issue that we need to address as a nation. Not voting is effectively giving your vote to those who seek to silence your voice. Labour’s rise to power with just 20% of support is clear evidence of this
We must listen to and trust those who genuinely understand the system—those who have lived under it, fought against it, or spent years studying its tactics and weaknesses. @richardjeffs documentary is an excellent resource to start building this awareness.
Instead of reacting with emotional (mostly manipulated) strategies shaped by MSM or even alternative media propaganda, we need to focus on effective, fact-based solutions. Dismissing knowledge, factual events, and experience only leads to further division, and we don’t have the luxury of time to indulge in ineffective plans
Hi Luke, sorry for only just getting back to you. I’m just cutting up as I’ve had my head in producing content. It would be great to learn more about your tech experience and your app. Shall we communicate privately or by email? Rich
Thanks @madeleine, I appreciate your contribution. Let’s have a call soon regarding our ‘Take Back Control Of Local Governments’ initiative. I have some thoughts on the launch of this. Once the team is in place, I think a weekly live public broadcast would be a great way to devise and drive a plan for getting councils to understand what’s happening and take action.
Thanks, Richard! It would be great to have a chat after Christmas.
Regarding the councillors, many are fully aware of what’s happening, but most councils function as the globalists’ ‘executors’ and gatekeepers. Our councillors have worked hard to open some of their eyes, but they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the truth and continue to push their agenda forward—especially now
There are strategic actions underway at the moment. However, as these are carefully planned initiatives, not everything can be shared on public forums. If you’d like to discuss further, feel free to email me at gensec@heritageparty.org for a more detailed conversation.
Messianic Jews, (and Zionist Christians) want to annex all of Jerusalem and West Bank. They want to demolish AL Asqa mosque and rebuild the 3rd Temple. This they believe will usher in the Jewish Messiah, and therefore some kind of utopia were Jews will rule the earth.
My question is how much do the goals of Zionism and the goals of the WEF overlap. In other words, is the WEF a Zionist Organization. Will the world capital of the WEF move from Geneva to Jerusalem? OR do these Two Ideologies not overlap at all?
Would approaching any/all of the trade unions be an option such as UNISON, UNITE, GMB etc?
If the goal is to get as many people aware of this impending catastrophe, then unions such as these have millions of members, and as we’ve seen with the General Elections, typically fund certain political areas and have workforce influence.
Once they are made aware of how these changes will affect working people and future generations to come, they can help to become a collective voice, surely?
I’m just trying to think how i have been influenced, as i am a lower paid worker in the Public Sector (Local Authority), and ‘strength in numbers’ is commonly used when having to vote on issues.
Additionally, Content creators such as Daniel Shensmith (Blackbeltbarrister) would also increse exposure, as well as giving opinions and insights into the legalities behind all this, and also being an advocate of free speech.
It was due to Youtube (Andy the gabby cabbie) that i came to watch an interview with Richard and it was like a lightbulb moment…
Everyone who has watched @richardjeffs documentary and now asks, “What can we do?” should take the time to watch David Kurten’s interview, where he spoke-back in 2022-about the agenda we’re seeing unfold today.
David has been consistently aware of the Marxist stakeholder system long before most had even heard of it. As a member of the London Assembly, he stood firmly against this agenda and continues to do so with unwavering integrity. He is a principled and experienced politician who deserves everyone’s support.
David Kurten and the Heritage Party represent a genuine solution. This is why the Heritage Party is under intense scrutiny,every step we take is closely watched, repeated in a twisted way, and deliberately sabotaged by those seeking to undermine us.David Kurten: ‘Every Value we had is Being Attacked and Destroyed’ | British Thought Leaders | NTD
Happy to have found this forum and equally happy to have a great resource to combat the coming Stakeholder Capitalism tyranny.
Only quibble is the hope expressed here that there is anyone coming to help us or anyone to appeal to for aid. Specifically the fact that Trump is mentioned in any sort of positive light, come on now, ALL politicians and celebrities are mere actors playing their roles leading us down the totalitarian lane. TRUMP IS THE PLAN. Russell Brand is the plan. All of them, full stop.
Wishing you and all a very Merry Christmas belated, I am going to release this on Rumble very soon, as it is a locals exclusive and since it is a Rumble subsidiary, I´ll post it there too.
However I´d respectfully like to ask you not to post anything on YouTube or any Google / Alphabet related affiliates as I do not endorse it / them with my account or person. I am a moderator of the Duran as you know, but that is it.
After the murder of my friend Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine I avert and despise YT because they continuously block, shadow ban & delete truth speakers, as they also did with him. So you can image my hate for them.
When we all stop assisting and using YT, in their deletion and “Overlordshipping”, by boycotting them maybe they will finally get the message, OUR message!
This is why I do go on and use multiple other platforms such as Rumble, Odysee, BitChute and Locals.