Wishing you and all a very Merry Christmas belated, I am going to release this on Rumble very soon, as it is a locals exclusive and since it is a Rumble subsidiary, I´ll post it there too.
However I´d respectfully like to ask you not to post anything on YouTube or any Google / Alphabet related affiliates as I do not endorse it / them with my account or person. I am a moderator of the Duran as you know, but that is it.
After the murder of my friend Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine I avert and despise YT because they continuously block, shadow ban & delete truth speakers, as they also did with him. So you can image my hate for them.
When we all stop assisting and using YT, in their deletion and “Overlordshipping”, by boycotting them maybe they will finally get the message, OUR message!
This is why I do go on and use multiple other platforms such as Rumble, Odysee, BitChute and Locals.
@Freethinker . . .
There in the UK, any citizen can act as a prosecutor and bring a Private Charge against an accused. You can do it yourself or hire a lawyer. A charge of Nuisance for say, frightening the world about the Global Warming fraud. You also have a charge Breach of Trust by a Public Officer. Use them!!!
Absolutely grateful for your explanation of everything in a way I understand and how I can articulate it to others ( people think I am a conspiracy theorist and ridicule me). Is part 2 up because I can’t find it?
I have shared this platform and your interviews with both Doc Malik and Richard Vorbes as you are the best yet I have listened to. Thank you from the bottom of my heart !
Thanks ever so much for your feedback. It means a lot, as I’m still working around the clock with very little return. I think, however, 2025 will be our year. I have a strong plan, and I’m really grateful for your support.
Are you located in the UK? If so, does your government have any laws similar to the US RICO Act? What are the penalties for Conspiracy? In the states, under the RICO Act, all monies, properties etc of those involved can be confiscated. The problem being verified proof of involvement and Attorneys willing to make a stand. If done collectively and in a unified manner, lots of money could be tied up and/or confiscated. Just an idea…