Stakeholder Capitalism Summarised

What is Stakeholder Capitalism?

Replacing Shareholder Capitalism (Western Free-Market Capitalism) and State Capitalism (Eastern Communism), Stakeholder Capitalism is a universal political system that empowers the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders with authority over all people and the planet.

The self-proclaimed “pioneer” of Stakeholder Capitalism is the World Economic Forum (WEF) founder, Klaus Schwab. In 2020, he and his conglomerate of exclusive WEF members (Stakeholders), which include the heads of most fortune 500 companies, large NGOs (UN, WHO, EU) and G20 country governments, enacted a ten-year transition, called The Great Reset of Capitalism, away from Free-Market Capitalism to Stakeholder Capitalism.

Below: Some WEF partners in 2023.

Schwab proclaims to have placed many of his Stakeholders into positions of power after graduating the WEF’s Young Global Leaders. This programme has a mission ‘to shape a more Inclusive and Sustainable future’, which are Stakeholder Capitalism’s two primary policies.

During The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) in China, Inclusive ideas were propagated by Chairman Mao to shift the Chinese away from Free-Market Capitalism. Mao brainwashed the working class (Proletariat) to believe they were oppressed by the capitalist business and landowners (Bourgeoisie). He then promoted Communism as a system that is more Inclusive of oppressed people.

Twelve million working-class Chinese joined The Red Guards, a social justice organisation that drove China’s shift to Communism. This made the shift appear like it was driven from the bottom up. Mao enslaved the people of China by manipulating them to want Communism. ~1.5 million people died as a result of the upheaval.

Today, Klaus Schwab and his Stakeholders are indoctrinating us to believe Black and Trans people are oppressed, encouraging us to join social justice movements like Black Lives Matter.

Schwab’s solution to this alleged social crisis is Stakeholder Capitalism’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies. These policies boost opportunities for people who are supposedly oppressed while reducing opportunities for people who are the alleged oppressor. Using a similar playbook to Chairman Mao, Schwab and his Stakeholders are manipulating us to want Stakeholder Capitalism, an authoritarian political system that Schwab alleges will “make the world more Inclusive”.

Thousands of companies around the world have now adopted Stakeholder Capitalism’s DEI policies.

One major Stakeholder, who governs us under Stakeholder Capitalism, is the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

‘Sustainable’ policies are the totalitarian component of Stakeholder Capitalism. This works by indoctrinating citizens to believe climate change poses an existential threat. Allegedly, this is being caused by the carbon we emit from burning fossil fuels. Klaus Schwab proclaims the root-cause of this “climate crisis” is Shareholder Capitalism (Free-Market Capitalism).

Below: Just Stop Oil protest for the removal of fossil fuel powered cars.

Schwab’s solution to this “existential threat” is Stakeholder Capitalism’s Net Zero policy, which is currently being implemented by his politician Stakeholders around the globe. Net Zero bans the use of everything powered by fossil fuels by 2030, particularly traveling by car and plane. In order to travel outside of the Fifteen Minute Cities that Schwab designed, we will be required to pay a Carbon Tax, which will fund trees to be planted in another region for absorbing carbon. Sustainable policies impose extreme totalitarian travel restrictions (and more) on the poor, while enabling the rich to travel and live freely.

Below: Short clip showing Schwab’s Inclusive and Sustainable propaganda provoking feelings of anger and fear among it’s victims.

In the future, historians will likely describe Schwab’s idea as Schwabism. It is like Maoism; instead, however, of propagating Marxism to drive our shift to State Capitalism (Communism), Klaus Schwab is indoctrinating us with his Inclusive and Sustainable ideas to shift the world to Stakeholder Capitalism.

Stakeholder Capitalism’s Inclusive and Sustainable policies are being forced on companies using a credit score called E.S.G. (Environmental Social Governance).

  • Environmental
    This corresponds to Stakeholder Capitalism’s Sustainable policies.

  • Social
    This corresponds to Stakeholder Capitalism’s Inclusive policies.

  • Governance
    This means the authority that is seized by the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders.

If a company does not comply, they will not receive essential funding for growing their business. Environmental E.S.G. reporting has already been made mandatory for large UK companies.

All WEF Strategic Partners are driving these Inclusive and Sustainable policies. For example, the UN have the Sustainable Goals and UK Monarchy have the Terra Carta. There are many corporations who are now employing Trans Influencers as ambassadors to improve their E.S.G. score. Over the next five-years, Schwab’s plan to transition us, called The Great Reset, involves several crises to destabilise and financially disrupt countries.

In 2020, the Stakeholders committed all their resources to transitioning everyone to full Stakeholder Capitalism by 2030. Most people through-out the world are victims of a sophisticated, globally-coordinated psychological warfare campaign, propagated by WEF Stakeholders in executive mainstream media roles. Consequently, the majority of people believe anyone who talks about a global conspiracy is a “dangerous right-wing conspiracy theorist”. The doctrines are entrenched to such an extent that they are unable to consider the evidence.

The WEF forecast a catastrophic financial crash within the next fifteen months, leaving a small window of opportunity before we are left with little leverage to push back.

What is the solution?

We need to stop our transition to Stakeholder Capitalism. This could look something like a campaign to help people, particularly in the corporate sector who are pushing DEI and Sustainability reporting through ESG, understand what Stakeholder Capitalism is and encourage them to reject it.

While the WEF Stakeholders own mainstream media, the people dominate social media. Many “awake” Podcasters draw audiences that are much larger than mainstream media’s audience. The Stakeholders’ censors are also currently relatively weak. Now that Donald Trump has become the new President of the U.S. and has pledged to remove the Stakeholder Capitalists from positions of power, we should seize this opportunity to collaborate in a global campaign to Stop Stakeholder Capitalism.

Watch my new documentary, Stakeholder Capitalism (40 mins), for the evidence behind all of my claims.

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Hi everyone

I’ve just posted a simple description of what Stakeholder Capitalism is to help more people understand it. I think this is the most succinct I’ve written it to date, but I’d love your feedback.


Richard :pray:


I’m done with trying to make so called adults understand.

As you know, I’d like to focus on getting the young (limited attention spans) to grasp this issue.

As we now know from the U.S. election result, it was Barrons (18yr old) recommendation to Donald to go on the Joe Rogan pod cast that got him a lot of young men’s votes.

So in all honesty to capture the young:

  1. The explanation needs to be shorter almost shocking bullet points.
  2. It needs to be placed in their spaces.
  3. It needs a number of the young who get it to promote it and slowly introduce them to the more in-depth explanation.

I’m sure there’s more.


Thanks — I’ve actually written this to help people, who are already speaking out about the corruption, understand what Stakeholder Capitalism is and how it works. I’ve done this with the hope that more people talk about Stakeholder Capitalism, as it’s the root cause of all the strange and horrific things that have been happening around the world since 2020 (and beyond).

Soon, I’ll write a much shorter, bullet-point version. When we are fully operational, we will also drive a campaign that targets the young.


An excellent write up on “Stakeholder capitalism” . I would say that there is a deeper malaise, both in the monetary and spiritual domains, than stakeholder capitalism. But for the sake of brevity I will address solely the latter.

The part that needs greater analysis and reflection is the proposed solution.

First off, let us dispense with the notion that the self-proclaimed father of the global warp-speed poison Donald Trump “has pledged to remove the Stakeholder Capitalists from positions of power”. Do you have a reference for that?

The notion that Trump is going to ride in on his white horse and ‘drain the swamp’ (this time around) or any other dose of hopium hardly merits discussion in my opinion. He will never bite the hand that feeds him.

That last point also applies to those in positions of control of large corporations. Just like doctors and nurses who pushed poison on us in 2021/22, corporations will continue to push DEI / ESG as long as it is incentivised. Our greed and love of money drives perversity and it is not going to stop. The struggle is eternal.

Even if we could drive a global campaign and have millions marching city streets all marching and chanting in unison along with Stop Stakeholder Capitalism! placards, would that change anything significantly?

Perhaps the solution is much simpler and closer to home. Perhaps it’s not about opposing this or that but rather building alternatives rendering “stakeholder capitalism” redundant.


Thanks for your post. My reply below:

There are indeed powerful actors lurking in the shadows. My role is to expose those who are easy to identify using WEF literature, as well as prove we are being transitioned undemocratically to a global political system. I’m trying to keep focused on this enormous undertaking.

The proposed solution will begin to develop within the next couple of weeks as partnerships start to grow. I have a vague plan in place and will be turning my attention to it next week after I release some new content.

While Trump isn’t talking about Stakeholder Capitalism, he is talking about addressing the symptoms of it:



I’m optimistic that Trump will do more this round with Mask and Kennedy by his side. He has built quite a strong community of people who are awake and actively exposing the rise in authority. They do need to start talking about Stakeholder Capitalism though!

The fact that our government leaders are transitioning us undemocratically and discreetly to a global authoritarian political system is treason. The new film proves this is happening.

I believe our first step is to create more awareness that SC is the root cause of all the strange and horrific events that have been taking place around the world since it was enacted in 2020. We should target the corporate sector who are driving the transition — middle managers who believe DEI and ESG is a good thing. Let’s begin by showing them what stakeholder capitalism really is. I will share more details about this plan and begin next week

Once everything is exposed, I think that will be the time that we start exploring different systems. Collectively working on a solution, however, is what this Forum is all about. We should start to see some traction next few weeks. I’ll release more information soon.

Thanks :pray:


Really helpful summary, Richard. Thank you. I was wondering for those who are more ‘visual’, do you have the facility to produce a kind of mind map which shows the different strands, such as DEI, Covid/Lockdown, Net Zero and how they are all inter-connected with SC at the centre? Thanks for all your hard work - and for making something hidden, brought into the light.


Can I just check my understanding of all this:

-Stakeholder capitalism is a means of the most wealthy/powerful to control the ‘masses’. It’s covert communism.
-They need reasons to shift us to this operating model and make us think that it’s the only way/we chose it.
-They do this by creating disunity (BLM, trans rights etc.) to create the myth of persecution by an oppressor.
-They create fear through alarmism - climate ‘crisis’, global ‘boiling’.
-They manipulate the media (own it) so that they control what the ‘masses’ hear or don’t hear. They even manipulate the economic system.

Incidentally, you refer to a forecasted economic crash in the next 15 months. I guess if that happens, it will also mean that a lot of people will suddenly become dependant on the state - and that means control of the ‘masses’ right?

I am reminded of the Beckhard Harris change equation which states to overcome someone’s resistance to change, you need to cover three elements:

  1. Create dissatisfaction with the status quo - hence divisions, oppressed/oppressor narrative, climate is “boiling”…
  2. Create a compelling utopia - 15 minute cities - how lovely to have everything on your doorstep! You’ll own nothing and be happy…
  3. Provide the steps and skills to transition from current to future state.

Where does the migrant crisis fit in to all this - is it population replacement? Is it to build a UN army of fighters who will suppress any uprising?

Let me know your thoughts.



Trump is an actor he is no more in charge than Biden was. More deliberate distraction very disappointing!

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The migrant crisis is to get you to look over there, age old divide and conquer they role out the same tatics over and over to keep you all distracted while they build the digital prison around everyone. You wont need to worry about stakeholder capitalism once your enslaved by transhumanism.

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Globalist Neofascism, the real definition.