In this interview, Richard Jeffs accuses Klaus Shwab’s friend and co-author of The Great Reset of being “hoodwinked”, but Thierry Malleret insists “there’s no plan”. Richard and Thierry debate the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset of Capitalism and our undemocratic transition to Stakeholder Capitalism.
All “pandemics” of the past were as fake as the Covid one. The “Spanish Flu” was due to the mass vaccination of the public after WW1 after troops returned home to the US. The scaremongering pushed was based on the lie that the US troops had been in “foreign lands in Europe” and so the public needed to be “protected” against such dangerous diseases. Mass vaccinations/ injections took place resulting in mass deaths. It was branded as a the “Spanish Flu” to try to attribute blame of the mass deaths/ harms to some foreign disease when the real cause were the injections. Does that scenario ring a bell?
I don’t find this exchange to be compelling in either direction unfortunately. Richard such topics and exchanges need SME voice on both sides of the table because it involves Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental spheres of consideration. My intuition tells me that there may be some malevolent or dubious intention but intuition has been wrong before on many occasions. I appreciate your efforts and do believe that we must constantly question intent of changes to power structures especially when there is no democratic consensus. I don’t agree with your guest in terms of this topic possibly being benign simply as a philosophical topic open to individual interpretation therefore the architect of this effort is the only one who can answer these questions but may not be willing to answer truthfully. Keep questioning Richard. Much appreciated.
Richard, this was honestly one of the most painful interviews I have ever watched because it really was not much of an interview at all. I think you were fortunate that Malleret stayed on the call to the end as you gave him a good schooling on the official positions of the WEF and Schwab. The problem I had with this is that it is more of a schooling to which Malleret responded from his position of altered reality in the usual manner of a small-minded obnoxious arrogant European elitist rather than an interview. Anyone of Malleret’s persuasion is clearly a threat to freedom. I am an American. Freedom comes first, all else follows from there. Europeans like Malleret intellectualize a cage first and then observe what freedoms remain later. They also like to make up three word catch phrases as a stamp and a seal on their dogmatic creations in the style of Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”. The mantras of Schwab and his ilk are “The Great Reset” and “Build Back Better” that they love their followers to invocate as evidence of their cultish membership. And now, at least, we know their members.
This is interesting. I particularly want to understand what attempts Klaus Schwab made over the past 50 years to enact stakeholder capitalism. Pandemics, inclusive ideas and global warming (for example). I want to include this at the beginning of the second episode if anyone can help with the research?
Thanks. For me, this was a bit of an experiment. What happens when I present someone influential evidence of what’s happening? Let’s hope Thierry would like a follow up call to debate these topics at length.
Again another great video Richard, however I did feel somewhat uncomfortable with Thierrys responses. I have both books (digital format) and if you have no idea who WEF or Schwab are, you could read the book as probably many have; and say, yes it is a good thing to give the whole world a level playing field. However, if you have been down the rabbit hole like I have, you get to see through their lies! Thierry made me uncomfortable because he is an educated man, moreso than I, yet pretends he cannot see anything sinister going on, yet at other times, wants nothing to do with other things, yet eventually says you’ve taken it in the wrong way!
I wish could help you out in some way with your work, but unfortunately I don’t think have a skillset you need, but I will make a contribution as and when I can, as I think your work is invaluable.
I did wonder if I could get your permission to copy your short film to DVD to give out free of charge in my neighbourhood, obviously all copyright etc would be yours, but sadly people won’t believe me when I tell them what is going on in our country, or even the world, to see your video may just help more pushbacks. I’m sure people still have DVD players.
If you dont reply, I know you’d rather I didn’t. I just want to help you in some way, however small. I only have 1200 followers on X but I do push your links every so often. God bless you and thanks for all you do. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and to all patriots, sending warmest wishes and blessings x
“Communism - The Billions in the middle get hungrier, colder & enslaved in their digital prison, just as Communism was never about equality”
“The UN Agenda 2030 is all about control”
Listen to British News Presenter Hero Warrior - Bev Turner explain the sinister Globalist Agenda masquerading as equality, inclusion & saving the planet.
Did I hear him say, “No, no, no, it’s not a world government; it’s run by corporations.”? What does he think a world government is? In this case, it’s corporations running the world - and we all know how benevolent corporations are.
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