The Power of Poetry

Stakeholder Capitalism
“The greatest threat in our generation”

There is a real threat upon the horizon and it’s hiding in plain sight
And without a collective awareness, our futures will not be bright

It brings with it the destruction of our freedoms and way of life
It will cut through our liberty like the sharpest surgeon’s knife

It’s being orchestrated by an uelected body, one that we never voted for
And if we don’t stand up and stop it, it will change our world for evermore

It’s called Stakeholder Capitalism, the brain child of one Klaus Schwab
And if fully implemented it will consume society like Stephen King’s “The Blob”

We will be living in real life horror movie with nowhere to escape
But by understanding the threat we can all wear the super hero’s cape

Because there are so many more of us, than of them that will ever be
The Stakeholders that hide in the shadows attempting to control the lives of you and me

It means the true death of democracy, ushered in as a change for good
But you would never ever allow this if it was truly understood

This remains our power, the courage to stand up and say no
But without awareness and understanding, there’ll literally be no place to go

Time is running out for us all and the dark plans are now in place
But our numbers continue to grow and we can still win this race

It’s a race for the survival of our sovereignty and everything that we hold dear
If we create enough awareness we can still live in a world without fear

But if we stay on the sidelines or allow our heads to be buried in the sand
We’ll have no say in anything because it’s evil that’s holding out his hand

We cannot acquiesce to a system of totalitarian control
If we do, our childrens’ future hurtle towards a deep black hole

Stakeholder Capitalism is the greatest threat that we’ve ever faced
This is no conspiracy but is irrefutably fact based

So please follow Yellow.Forum and learn what this is all about
Join the Team on the side of good and flush this evil out