What will be your New Year's "Revolution"

A New Year’s Revolution

Happy New Year! reverberates throughout the land
As we draw an optimistic line in the metaphoric sand

But are just words enough? will it guarantee a Happy New Year?
To simply repeat the mantra, will that bring us all good cheer?

What matters will be our actions, facing the challenge beginning to loom
A new political system, the archetypal impending doom

Stakeholder Capitalism is already on the tracks
Dark train thunders onwards, all the time behind our backs

New Year’s resolutions encapsulate an optimistic ritual
Maintaining them unsuccessfully to the point of becoming habitual

This time we must not tap out, give up or be floored
It’s our birthright to live in harmony, with our freedoms fully restored

2025 should mark the year we begin to thrive
We cannot allow Stakeholder Capitalism’s train to actually arrive

Will we standby in silence and allow the horror to unfold
Or will we do whatever we can so the right story can be told

Happy New Year, should be something we authentically say
Will this even be permitted with the new laws we’ll be expected to obey

This must be prevented, our collective voice can drown out the few
Relegate them to the history books, it’s something that we need to do

By joining Yellow.Forum, you’ll discover the knowledge that you need
Build a community, arm in arm, the globalists will have to take heed

Fostering awareness will create the right messages to be heard
The cage will open for humanity like the releasing of a special bird

The dove of peace will once again be free to circle the sky
Vulture of control waved off with a “don’t come back!” goodbye

So what is going to be…your New Year’s Revolution?
Help spread hope and light, together WE ARE the solution

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