YellowLive (Seeking Lead Investors)

We will soon launch a crowdfunding campiagn to raise capital for a new media organisation called YellowLive. This will host regular news, a weekly interactive debate show and a live talk show that will be hosted by experts on Stakeholder Capitalism.

To begin, we are raising funding to pilot our live interactive debate show, which discusses the findings of our investigation into The Great Reset transition to Stakeholder Capitalism and enable us to collectively design a solution.

Hosted by an influential reporter, debated by a panel of experts and in collaboration with our live interactive community, YellowLive’s flagship broadcast will act as an anchor for designing Yellow.Forum’s initiatives.

Please contact us at if you would be interested in becoming one for the primary investors in the crowdfunding campaign or would like to sponsor the pilot.

Thanks, Richard Jeffs


Is this a tv show? Because from what I understand the only shows that are broadcast are what “they” allow. If they don’t like something then it doesn’t get shown. How will you get around this?


Easily. Just ignore the government/ ofcom the lot. they are not our masters. If we have any chance of changing course to a better world we need to grow some balls like our forefathers and take our destiny into our own hands and not let it be determined by those murderous pyschopaths. Aside from that as living men and women they have no authority over us anyway.


I don’t understand what “ofcom the lot” means but I completely agree with your statement. I’m ready to die for our freedom like our forefathers did.


If they pull this off it won’t matter what we think!

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should have been: government/ ofcom - the lot (as in the lot of them). they’re one big gang of thugs who think we are too dumb and easily manipulated to do what they want but some of us aren’t and see straight through them like a cillit bang window. And I agree with your statement too - that makes two of us:)

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I understand all that, government and the lot, I just don’t understand the ONE thing you DIDN’T explain… what is “ofcom”??

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The Office of Communications , commonly known as Ofcom , is the government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting,

Ofcom are the ones who slaps the hands of any broadcaster that steps out of the approved narrative (ie what the WEF decide as part of their strategy)


thank you Claire. basically the government broadcasting censors who try to pretend not to be.


Hi Ash, yeah Ofcom are the deceivers, the ones pretending to be the good guys, protecting all us adults.


Is this a European thing or do we have this with the same name in the USA? I’ve just never heard this name before…


my observations tell me that one remains on ‘their’ portals either if you are no danger or if you are a danger, you have very few watchers. You will also remain if you are so ‘left field’ that very few take you seriously. They also keep some possibly risky people on in order that the channel has some credibility.
Examples are for Youtube (imho) : David Icke - far too dangerous; Dr. Shiva - very few watchers; Neil Oliver & Dr. John Campbell are there for credibility - releasing some truths but not going too far. Some like Russell Brand & Tucker Carlson are probably actually planted in place.


Hi Rod, it will begin as a interactive show that’s broadcast live on Yellow.Forum and then hopefully move to us having our own Sky Channel.


The head of Ofcom is a WEF Stakeholder:

She now has the power to put platform owners, like myself, in prison for promoting “misinformation”.


I think the controlled opposition idea has gone too far.


not sure what you mean Richard. Do you mean ‘they don’t exist - or at least are not as prevalent as some think’ ? or do you mean that they are too extensively used?

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Hi Juan,

Yes, controlled opposition clearly exists. For example: Starmer and Sunak. It goes too far, however, to label freedom fighters as controlled.


Agreed, however the danger is that with everything becoming digital and moving over to AI it’s all closing in on us with small, very subtle steps. And eventually I fear it’s going to creep up and snooker us by way of being locked out of society and trapped by not being able to use transport. It sounds harsh, but we are obviously in a war with these tyrants.

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Listened to your podcast with Doc Malik last night. Great stuff mate, and will be sharing as much as possible over Xmas and beyond… :clap:

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