Stop Them Taking Our Homes

Can small private landlords avoid the corporate takeover of the rental market in the UK? Is there a better way to avoid this aspect of the transfer to stakeholder capitalism?
I have spent 36 years in and observing the coercive tiptoe enticing well meaning and decent people into the landlord game only for them to now be part of the transfer of that wealth to the stakeholders and corporate/government partnerships whilst leeching the promised profits through taxation and legislative costs. I now oversee helplines for two of these organisations and have seen from ground zero how agenda 2030 is being rolled out for the purpose of these wealth transfers. Perhaps now is time for a Better Letting Collective of awake professionals to help fight back? Perhaps a new agents helpline at low cost to fund the Yellow Forum’s aims and assist these thousands of well meaning landlords, agents and tenants? Maybe a Mediation Scheme to, if not avoid evictions, but to smooth the process or all parties in a ‘human being to human being’ discussion. Lets talk about it …

Hi Dale,

We are looking to provide support to members who are affected by the WEF’s foretasted crises. Them acquiring the housing supply chain is part of their agenda, which I expose this in the Stakeholder Capitalism series.

I will be interested to discuss what you have in mind.

Thanks, Richard

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