Taking Control of Local Councils/Governments

Since the Stakeholders launched The Great Reset transition to Stakeholder Capitalism in 2020, they have been indoctrinating us with Stakeholder Capitalism’s Inclusive and Sustainable ideas. Many Councillors and Governors are naively driving these draconian policies, unaware that they are acting as agents for Stakeholders Capitalism.

The Stakeholders Capitalism propaganda has been very effective; most Councillors and Governors believe that our world leaders are undemocratically transitioning us to a global, authoritarian political system is a dangerous right-wing conspiracy theory.

Anyone in government positions who are indoctrinated by the Stakeholder Capitalism ideas are no longer fit for office, due to them being unable act in the interest of their constituents and protect their civil liberties. Is imperative that they are immediately replaced with people who are who have not been co-opted.

This initiative is designed to find the best plan for achieving this, as well as create a model that can be adopted by communities around the globe.

Below: Stakeholder Communism confronts Glastonbury Council in the UK (from the film Stakeholder Communism).

We’d love to hear your ideas, and we’ll be progressing with this initiative soon.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on this initiative? :thinking:

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The actions of the fake opposition leaders and their misguided followers, often referred to as “useful idiots,” at the councils were performed too late and were intended to sabotage the real opposition that had begun efforts to dismantle the system at the start of the pandemic. There is much to tell about the infiltrated movements across the UK, which follow a classic and, to be honest, boring Marxist template to manipulate angry people. Unfortunately, this method has worked before and continues to work throughout the distant and recent history of humanity. I have firsthand experience with this system, having grown up in Poland. It was not communist Poland, as many people believe, but rather socialist Poland. Poland never officially achieved communist status due to the resistance of the Polish nation. As a student, I was active in the underground Solidarity movement, and I can confirm that what we are experiencing now, both here and around the globe, is exactly, really exactly the same to what people behind the iron curtain struggled with for 40 years. Despite the victory in dismantling the evil Marxist psychopaths, Poland was ultimately defeated again, this time by an infiltrated church that pulled the nation back into the clutches of the EU. I am attaching a glimpse of the real action that had been taken in early days of the marxist invasion in 2021. This of course was massively sabotaged by “freedom fighters” and “truthers” who distracted everyone with irrelevant sensational stories about symbols and all sort of nonsenses . Petition Public Vote Of No Confidence In Teignbridge District Council & A Call For A Local Referendum


Thanks Richard its good to see this.


@madeleine To provide some further background on what you are saying:

There is a book “Live Not By Lies” (interview with author) that documents the similarities between what happened in the Bolshevik Revolution and the woke movement in modern day United States. You can extrapolate to other countries - just look at the methods described and you’ll see them happening not far from home. The author Rod Dreher covers things from a Christian perspective that may not appeal to all - but the historical facts certainly present a valuable lesson.

In 1983 Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector, gave a talk on “Subversion” - a set of techniques designed to undermine and destroy a culture from within. Within this talk he mentions:

  • demoralizing (destroying a person’s moral compass, which renders them unable to prioritize and move into action)
  • creating confusion around gender identity
  • destroying faith in the religious institutions
  • doing anything and everything to distract from productivity

The ultimate goal of subversion is to divide and breakdown the country and move it towards either civil war or invasion. I don’t know about you but I see everything he’s talking about being done where I live (USA). I don’t know whether it’s actors domestic or foreign, but I can see the writing on the wall that the shift is happening.


Also look up the Cloward Piven strategy. That is what is being implemented worldwide.

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This brief summary outlines the Great Reset agenda, drawing from my firsthand experiences growing up in Poland and the past 35 years living in London. Observing the gradual erosion of societal values, particularly following Blair’s victory, I have engaged in numerous public talks and talk shows to educate others on how this agenda operates and potential solutions. I have realized that people struggle to comprehend complex information and prefer simple, repeatable templates. Despite the challenges, I have simplified the main points of the agenda to make it more accessible and understandable to a wider audience. https://youtu.be/N8FoTkP25TI?si=RyM6bEdJa9qagN4j


Sounds pretty spot on @madeleine. Are there ongoing efforts in your area to push back?

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Absolutely, locally and nationwide. I decided to join the Heritage Party due to the lack of support from the public as David Kurten is the only real opposition politician. Over the past few years, we have been tirelessly working to challenge the Marxist beast. It has been a difficult journey as our efforts are met with attempts to silence, defame, infiltrate, and all the usual communist tactics used to destroy us. However, this is not unexpected, we are not going anywhere :wink:


I have been seeing this myself for sometime and been told it’s not happening. I didn’t know how or who was behind it, but I just had a gut feeling.
Thank goodness I am not going mad!


A suggestion: Delete the words “the fact” in the following “The Stakeholders Capitalism propaganda has been very effective; most Councillors and Governors believe the fact that our world leaders are undemocratically transitioning us to a global, authoritarian political system is a dangerous right-wing conspiracy theory.”

Thanks for your excellent works!


@BudBromley , thanks for the suggestion. Just updated. :slight_smile:

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There are so many Town/Parish Council’s with Vacancies around this Nation, this is a good place to start with a personal co-option & learn the system, Build confidence & respect of fellow members, Use the Knowledge learnt from Richards great Documentary & have impact on a hyper local level, Dont forget to question the high tiers of governance https://youtu.be/A1m4zZvyCxg?feature=shared

Four years ago, a dedicated group in Devon took a stand against local councils after they adopted the Corona Act powers without providing the necessary justifications mandated by the government. Unfortunately, our efforts were met with significant backlash, including being labeled as “anti-vaxers” by a local newspaper. One of our team members even faced aggression from a council leader (intendent slap in the face) for simply reading the Corona Act, an incident that was published in local news and reported to the police but went unaddressed.

We encountered substantial sabotage from individuals posing as opposition leaders, who misled others and diverted attention away from viable solutions, ultimately unknowilingly serving the agenda we sought to challenge. Over the past four years, we have worked tirelessly to educate the public about the underlying structures of this agenda and the influence of NGOs and stakeholders in this global to local system. We issued a vote of no confidence against our district council, engaged with the Marxist “Levelling Up” department, and published openly various regulations and correspondence.

Regrettably, the more we challenged the status quo, the more obstacles were placed in our path. There are several prominent figures in the “awake” world who, in reality, serve as distractions, keeping people from fully understanding the situation. However, we are beginning to see a shift, as more individuals awaken to the systemic issues that have been prevalent in the UK since Tony Blair’s administration.

Unfortunately, the solutions that were available four years ago, up until the recent general election, are no longer viable. The changes we warned about have already been implemented, both gradually and rapidly, in a step-by-step manner. This is not a secret; the agenda is openly published by every council and related organization.

It is now crucial to take action, but I fear that only a few individuals truly understand how to proceed. Richard has done an outstanding job of summarizing the key points in a way that is accessible to many. I hope his documentary reaches a wide audience.


Thanks for your comments @madeleine. I’ve been working hard for the past eight weeks on making improvements to the film, as I’ve learnt to convey the stakeholder capitalism story better and my filmmaking has improved. It will now be released as 30 minute episodes and an ongoing series. It’s far more convincing and will provide irrefutable evidence to support our argument against the Stakeholder Capitalism policies. I look forward to sharing it soon and commencing with this initiative. Richard Jeffs.


Thank you. The current situation in the United States closely mirrors developments in the United Kingdom and around the world. This is the ongoing ambitions of Marxists sociopaths who truly believe they are “the wise chosen ones” who need to continue their mission in creating the New World Order. The same agenda was previously implemented by proletariat that failed and a precariat that has partially failed but adapted to align with global strategies reaching for an unchanged goal.

I have attached the original official declaration of martial law from Poland in 1981 for your review. The state of emergency declared during that time shares notable parallels with the events we are witnessing today. While some words in the declaration have been superficially updated, the core context remains unchanged. The speech delivered by the Polish PM in 1981 is a split copy of the recent statements from Keir Starmer in the UK, which echo the whole document with only minor adjustments for contemporary context.

I have reservations about the formal declaration of civil war, as many countries are already operating under conditions akin to martial law, where emergency laws have replaced statutory law. We are currently facing multiple crises, including a climate emergency, a housing emergency, and a viral emergency. These situations have allowed authorities to implement restrictions and regulations that would typically be considered unacceptable. Additionally, these crises have facilitated the redirection of national resources toward global initiatives that promote a controlling form of Marxism.


Most people are inherently good, however the levels of media Government & Tavistock institute WEF mind conditioning, has unfortunately made so many good intelligent people go along with Agenda 30, globalist manipulation tactics.

Cash strapped councils being offered additional funding to introduce LTN’s, 15 minute cities Net Zero policy, believing that they’re doing the right thing to save the planet ( buzz word ). See UK 100 council list.
All with an alternative critical view, they believe are conspiracy theorists, as demonstrated here.

This is a great measured approach to the challenges society is facing.
WEF Sustainable goals will remove all freedom to travel and create orchestrated food shortages famines authoritarian control as in China which the head of the council believes is racist to criticise communist

China totalitarian enslavement of the good China population.
We do not accept the Globalist authoritarianism, from unelected bureaucrats in Geneva.

Thank you for your work Richard


Appreciating the wisdom and experiences you have posted here. Thanks Madeleine.

Here in the U.S. we need a PAC, Political Action Committee, that will provide money for ads against woke people running for office. The WEF reach has hit my small city of about 40,000 in the U.S. called Myrtle Beach. Our Mayor and 6 council members hire a manager to run the city. These “leaders” are currently working on Myrtle Beach becoming a Smart City with 5G and cameras everywhere. They hired a DEI officer at a high salary. They have a tech guru in a high level mgmt position. They are building a high tech “living lab” as an incubator for IT work. They have allowed DCBLOX.com to host up to five subsea cables and colocation space for network and cable operators, communication providers, local enterprises and partners to be a digital hub providing connections to South America. These cable landings are for firms like Google and Meta. Those running for city council need to spend up to $30,000 to defeat the incumbents. I ran and lost in 2017 and know how hard it is to win.